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Opposites May Attract, But Will The Marriage Survive?

This is a controversial topic. Do opposites attract or do the birds of a feather flock together in a marriage? Sometimes opposites attract and two people with very different tastes in everything – that includes food, personality, hobbies, goals and habits manage to marry. Will that marriage survive?

Let us first find out why they married? The primary reason can be, they were always looking towards someone who could do what they could not, and they thought that marrying someone like that will make them whole. For example, a person of short height may find a tall person attractive and even be envious of them. What if he/she gets an opportunity to marry a tall person? They will be happy marrying. But what about the married life, when he/she is constantly reminded of the short height?

What about persons with great intellectual difference? Someone very intelligent may find a person of low IQ very innocent and child-like. But that attraction will be very short lived. The low IQ will begin irritating them after some time. What would be the result? The marriage may break.

What if one is a great lover of non-vegetarian food and other has vowed to eat only vegetarian food grown organically? Some differences in habits and tastes may break the marriage in a short time. Take this case – one partner takes decisions without thinking twice and the other takes days of thought and deliberation to decide. Will they have a happy married life? They might have loved these qualities of their partner in the beginning and these qualities may have brought them together, but what are the consequences? May be disastrous.

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